Monday 15 November 2010

Photoshoot Explained

Photo Shoot…
These photos are taken in preparation for the making of my Final: front page, double page spread, and my contents page. These photos will help enhance the representation that is going to be in my magazine; this will be the representation of talented young musicians. They will also help to back up my main feature article on a young girl, Sarah Chang (these are photos of the girl who the article is based around).
I have chosen have the representation of young people for my magazine with the social class of A and B as people of this stature are fond of hearing about success stories in the younger generations, and that is what my feature article is based on. This helps to tie my magazine together and helps to keep the focal point of it the feature article. This representation of the younger generation that I am choosing to include has to be done in a way that is still linked to the upper class. This should be achieved through the use of sophisticated clothing and the use of classic instruments that are in good condition. This perception of the generation is a formal view on this class, and you can often assume that they are of the higher class themselves. The manner in which the photos were taken was done with the social class in mind and also the image that I wanted the younger generations to appear as.
The photos that haven’t got a person within them are just as important, as these photos won’t be used for a focal image, but more for the intention that they will back up the overall theme of the magazine, classical music. These are images that would also be useful just to include when there is an empty space which would require an image.
A few of the images taken during the photo shoot:

These photos below demonstrate how with the use of the programme ‘Photoshop’ I have managed to edit and improve my photos to help them become more suited for the magazine. Through the development of these photos I have gone through a series of steps, these include things such as: cropping the image, changing the darkness/lightness, enhancing the colour contrast, changing the colour background, etc… The process in which these images have taken help to advance the level of sophistication and overall neatness of the image, this will help to improve the image of the magazine.


After Editing:


After Editing:

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