Sunday 14 November 2010

My Audience Lifestyle….

Detail about the audience that my magazine is targeted towards.

The music magazine in which I am designing is aimed towards the older generation who are in the social class of A or B. Due to this high social stature that I am aiming towards, I can afford to make my magazine more expensive, as these classes would tend to have more money and wouldn’t mind paying more for this kind of extra luxury item. With this extra payment I would be able to provide more within the magazine such as quality freebees or a finer quality of magazine, e.g. better quality paper or literature. This kind of extra service would make the magazine worth the extra money. Although the average price of a magazine is around £2 - £3, the social class that I am aiming for allows me to exceed this.
The personality of the elder generation would be someone who enjoys listening and spending time studying the art of classical music. This is something that I hope to aim throughout the magazine. This would be achieved through provide plenty of information throughout the content of the magazine. It will contain such information about the most popular classical musician, how to get hold of tickets to see performances, and an in-depth interview with some world class musicians. This is all in aim of the audience, as it will provide them with information that they would be interested in.
My audience’s life style may also revolve around what there living accommodations are like and where they go on holidays. It is proven that people of this sort of ages and social stature tend to go on holiday more than the others, so from this I can learn what kind of advertising I can aim for. This is important as it will help draw the targeted audience in for them to buy this classical music magazine. This can work in the same way as their living accommodations and their hobbies, by simply advertising to suite the audience’s personalities. This would help to accommodate towards my target audience, through giving them what they want out of the magazine and providing them with information and things that involve them.
Overall my audience’s lifestyle must be suited to the magazine; this is achieved by adapting certain qualities to make it right for them. The fact that it is aimed at the older upper classes citizens means that I will have to ensure that the magazine is set in the right at the tone that is appropriate for them. It also means that my type of advertising and articles shall be aimed at the type of things my audience would wish to read and learn about as is will be fixed around what they enjoy.

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